Seems that a lot of developers are creating these /uses pages after discovering Wes Bos’s /uses page.

My favorite of these happens to be from Jon Suh. His /uses page includes a photo, which is what I did here.

I’m finally doing big girl work at a company so I was able to upgrade everything, and will soon upgrade the iMac.


Let’s start with my gear which you can find on KIT.1

New office


  • VS Code
  • Nova Editor for macOS
    • Yes, I paid $$$ for a text editor. It’s feature rich and native to macOS, which I usually don’t care about. However, you can’t deny the speed increase and easing of stress on your CPU and RAM. Plus, it’s beautiful.
  • Oh My Zsh
    • I will never use a terminal without this installed.
  • Boom 3D
    • This makes everything sound amazing.
  • Chrome
  • Alfred
    • Workflows make this my favorite app.I can’t live without it. You can find my workflows here. I have way too many, I admit.
  • Text Expander
  • Todoist for tasks.2
  • Notion for Project management.3
  • Drafts
  • Fantastical for scheduling. I pay for the premium version.
  • Sip for Mac for a color picker
  • ScreenFlow
    • As I get into making egghead lessons and more screencasts for, I need a heavy duty piece of software to do so. Screenflow fits the bill.
  • StreamLabs OBS Software for Mac
    • Best OBS client on the Mac.
  • CloudApp
    • This is how I share bugs and other things with devs and dev teams. Also an easy way to make a gif of a feature or bug on my Mac.
  • Setapp
    • It finally has enough utilities to make it worth the subscription price for me.

Home Server

Yeah I am running a home server of sorts, as my fascination with Home Assistant, InfoSec, and networking/network security continues to grow.

Below is a list of the hardware I use for the rack. Click the details button to see the softare I am running on the network for server and IoT purposes.

Server software

Some of the software running on the servers6

Server Software

Racks on Racks…

New rack

I Use a lot of software, I admit

But I use ALL OF IT.

So this is my setup and what I am currently using. You can show me your dev setup on Twitter.

  1. I never seem to be satisfied with my place, no matter how many times I rearrange, add, and subtract things… 

  2. This is the only task manager that I actually look at and use. It is that beautiful, simple, and it has impressed me far more than any task manager in recent memory. 

  3. This is such a deep app and I am in love with it. After avoiding it because I was a heavy user of Evernote and quite liked it, there were things that annoyed me about it. Everyone talked about this app, Notion and I signed up. Been using it for two weeks and I have paid the subscription. It’s that good. Still setting it up but here’s my dashboard

  4. Though not from my NAS…. 

  5. No logs kept either. It’s kinda slow though. Some things don’t work on my network when it is enabled. I think a lot of it has to do with Fios being shit for a lot of folks, including myself, lately. 

  6. When grabbing the link for WireGuard I found this repo which is just 🤌🏽 trailofbits/algo Set up a personal VPN in the cloud